Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting Sleepy...

Who knew it took so long to upload pictures...?

Well, that is all I have the energy for right now. More pics and delicious food to come!


  1. I love it and I'm very impressed. I'm also going to live vicariously through you as there is not one of these beautiful items that I could ever make. I'm very impressed and can't wait to be invited down for a mean. I'm liking the chicen topped with a beaurre blanc sauce and mushrooms.

  2. Just noticed that I mispelled several words. Time for bed and I'm looking forward to a meal of chicken topped with a beurre blanc sauce. That is scary.

  3. Who wrote the kind comment? It's just showing up as anon...

  4. Molls, what a great idea for you guys to blog about your meals!!! So fun!! You should put your carrots on here too! And to everyone else--I have had her potatoes, and they are amazing!

  5. Great idea Molly! Have you read "Omnivore's Dilemma" or "Bottomfeeders" ? Heavy, but good reading about where food/seafood comes from and is produced.

  6. Thank you! Lauren- next time I make the carrots I will be sure to take a pic and post my recipe :)

    Anne- No, I haven't read those, but I need to! I just watched The Cove and it was pretty heavy about seafood. I don't eat seafood though! hehe
