Sunday, January 22, 2012

Great party dip!

This SWISS & BACON dip is an easy go-to appetizer I like to take to holiday get togethers and parties.  Its super easy to make and deeeelicious.  I first found this Rachael Ray recipe years ago and changed a few things.  I add onions and do not add any nuts.  I'm sure both ways are yummy!  I apologize that I forgot to take a pic of the end result, as I was in a hurry and running out the door!  But trust me, make this and you will find out yourself!  Serve with toast points or crackers.

Dice up some bacon into small pieces.

Soften a block of cream cheese.

You will need some swiss cheese of course!

Brown the bacon bits.

While the bacon is browning, dice up some onion (I use about 1/2-1 C).

When the bacon is browned, set aside on a plate covered with a paper towel.  Bacon is so pretty.

You will also need some mayo.

In a mixing bowl, add the cheese, cream cheese, mayo, onion and some dijon mustard.

Mix all together with the bacon to get this creamy, cheesy goodness.

Add the mixture to a small baking dish.  You will then put in an oven and bake until bubbly and golden brown and then serve!

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