Sunday, June 12, 2011

May 24, 2011

As most of you already know, Marty's parents' home, of 11 years, got hit by one of the many tornadoes that viciously destroyed many homes throughout Oklahoma on May 24, 2011.  I have personally never seen anything like the damage mother nature chose to partake on their property in real life, and let's just say that it was mind blowing, physically and emotionally.  Thankfully no one was hurt, as Kent and Ann and their three dogs (Bella, Abby and Millie) were safe in their underground cellar.

The family, along with MANY other helpers were able to salvage a few memories that weren't damaged, mostly due to the fact that it didn't rain after the tornado went through. Ann and Kent's friends and other volunteers were truly amazing, bring lunches, water and gatorade out to the site while many more helped pick up and clean the debris.

Ann, Kent and the doggies have been staying in our Norman home up until this past Friday and I can honestly say that I have never been around two stronger individuals having gone through what they did.  Sophie and Pinot were wonderful hostesses and enjoyed getting to play with their cousins every day!  Ann and Kent bought a new house in Norman that they have moved in to and will hopefully feel like home sweet home very soon.

The house sat up on the hill on the surrounding 28 acres.

A 100 year old pecan tree that was completely up-rooted.

Several men spent hours cutting the tree so you could enter their property.

Kent's 6 month old truck that was thrown several yards.

You never knew what you were going to find!

Ann's Honda Pilot was in what was the garage.

This was the roof over the garage/attic that we found hundreds of Marty's old baseball cards.  One was even found outside of Stillwater!

A large metal rod that was drilled into the ground.

Some dishes we were able to save!

The chimney fell into the kitchen.  The eggs in the fridge door weren't even cracked.

These books in the living room were still standing upright.

Millie loving on Marty!

1 comment:

  1. no matter how many times i see these pictures, my heart break for kent, anne, and marty. i know you were such a help on cleaning up the property and sharing your home!! i'm so glad everyone was ok.
